Tuesday, August 17, 2010

And we waited, and we waited and we wondered...

if the momma duck would ever hatch her eggs. It seems like forever since she set up housekeeping in the corner of Gertrude the sow's stall. Yesterday when I let Gertie out I noticed half an egg shell in on the ground.

OH NO! I thought Gertie finally got wise to the treasure trove of goodies stashed in the corner!

I hustled her out of the barn and went to investigate. Momma hissed at me stood up and spread her wings.

Three little heads peeked out looking for all the world like plush stuffed ducky toys that you see at Easter. They are SOOOO yellow!  So far I've only been able to count 3 but I think there are more. Momma just doesn't want any one to get too close. So I locked the stall gate so nobody  would bother her and relocated Gertie to a stall further down the line. Gertie wasn't too thrilled with her new location but she is adjusting.

I'll post the pics I took as soon as I can get them off of my camera. It's acting a little crazy lately. I think maybe I accidentally changed a setting I shouldn't have. Who knew?

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