Saturday, February 27, 2010

Stocking up as a way of life

This book is going to be my near constant companion this year. January 2010 begins a year long experiment in not only eating "locally" but in producing most of what we eat. I spent more than a little time trying to calculate how much food we need to put by.
104 quarts of greenbeans (that's green beans twice a week or less if we have company over for dinner)
52 quarts of corn, about the same amount of peas. Brian's not fond of peas but mom and I are.
200 pounds of potatoes
50 quarts of whole tomatoes
50 quarts of tomato juice
As many cherry tomatoes as we can dry... I love to eat them like raisins. Yummy snack.
24 pints of pickled beets
18 quarts of saurkraut
A batch of my Grandfather Chili sauce- this recipe is huge. I only need to make it every other year.
32 quarts of greens-kale, swiss chard, mustard greens, spinach
24 quarts of broccoli
As much cauliflower as we can manage. Cauliflower is sooo finicky. Some years we get some and some years we don't. We'll see.
Brussel sprouts - yes we are trying again. This year I think we'll grow them throughout the season under row covers. Maybe then we'll get some sprouts!
Carrots- this year we'll experiment with keeping carrots either in the ground or in the root cellar to eat fresh through the winter.
Several bushels of winter squash including pie pumpkins, butternuts, spaghetti squash and banana squash.
Onions - I'm planning on curing them in the garage then braiding them up and hanging them from the rafters in our dry basement.
A bushel or more of Sweet potatoes.
12 + quarts of pickled okra and about the same frozen. One of Brian's favorite foods.
Relish: corn relish, chowchow, zuchini relish, pepper relish at least 48 pints.
Pickles whatever comes out well. I am pickle making challenged. Surely this year I can make some that are crispy.
We'll be hanging whole cabbages upside down from the rafters this year to see how long they will keep.
Turnips and parsnips - like the carrots this will be an experiment to see  how long they will keep.
If the melons do well this year I want to try to make some syrup. If they don't do so well, then we'll just eat them all fresh! or made into sherbet.
Elderberries will be made into syrup. Elderberry syrup is one of my favorites on pancakes and waffles.
We should have a few apples and some pears. The pruning continues on our  much neglected fruit trees. For now we'll go up to "Apple Works" for their yummy apples.
Blackberries- yes I am going to brave the chiggers and go out for the wild ones. :)
In the meat department we plan on butchering a steer after Christmas, at least one hog during the year, 2 lambs and about 100 chickens. We will possibly have a few juicy ducklings to add to the larder. And in the fall Brian insists he is going deer hunting. That  means venison loins and lots of deer jerky.
Miss Hazel will supply us with milk, cream, cheese and kefir.
We aren't set up yet to grow our own grain, but my son has a grain mill so we will settle for milling our own grain. Maybe we'll try grain growing next year.

Wow! I just looked over my list.... we'd better get busy!


Mr. and Mrs. Hoosier Homesteader said...

My husband was reading Hobby Farms and saw something about Red Wattle Hogs in Morgantown. Glad we looked you all up. I've been reading through your blog, I really enjoy seeing what like-minded people are up to.

Do you all ever sell red-wattle breeding stock?

Dot said...

Yes we do sell RW for breeding.

We recommend that you start out with one feeder pig if you've never had pigs before. Feeder pigs are $100 each at 8 weeks old.
Those who have some pig experience usually start with a breeding package or family - 1 boar piglet and 2 gilts 8 weeks old. The package is $750. Individual animals are $250 each at 8 wks old.
Like most RW breeders we have a waiting list. If you would like to get on our list or you have more questions about the RW's or anything else for that matter - feel free to email us at:
or call Brian at 812-521-1063