Thursday, June 3, 2010

Peeps in the mail!

At a quarter to seven this morning Brian's phone rang. It was the post master. Our guinea chicks and turkey poults had arrived and would we please hurry and come get them.

So we skipped our morning cuppa, threw on some clothes and headed to the post office. Two peeping boxes were gratefully handed to us with a sigh of relief from the post master.

When we got them home we put them on the warm breezeway so that we could go out and do chores.... Hazel, the milk cow wasn't gonna wait for a bunch of peepings to get settled. After chores Brian took off to pick up Kacie... (Last day of school!)
I stayed behind to settle our new peepings into oversized dog crates that my friend Mike so generously donated to the farm.

Turkeys have to be the nosiest birds I've ever been around. These little ones just had to get up close and personal with my camera!

The guinea peeps weren't nearly as nosy but they are twice as active.
We ordered the guinea mix package so they will be pearl, silver and white. Even now you can tell which ones will be silver and which ones will be white. But there is one little one that doesn't look like any of the others. He (she ? I'm not sure.) has a white mask and a white bib and tucker like a penquin. I think I'm going to name this one "Happy Feet".

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