Saturday, April 18, 2009

Our hens are going mobile!

Well we finally got it done! The Egg Mobile rolled out of the garage last night - just barely. Brian had to do some manual moving of the rear end to get it aligned just right with the rollup door. Brian added the roofing in the dark while I cut holes in all those kitty litter buckets so that they would work for nest boxes.
This morning, with the help of my son, we rangled all of the hens out of the high tunnel greenhouse, up the ramp and into their new home. Once they were all safely inside, Brian towed the Egg Mobile with the tractor out to the pasture.
As soon as we opened the door, hens came pouring down the ramp. It didn't take long for them to be happily foraging in the grass and leaves.
Tonite when it gets to be around dusk, Brian will go out and close the hens up in their house so they'll be safe for the night.

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