We finally got to meet DS, Anders' girlfriend, Emily. She and her little one drove up from her home in Kentucky to spend the weekend.
First impression: she's pretty quiet and that's the happiest baby I've seen in quite a while.
Monday morning, I was getting ready to cook breakfast. Emily was sitting at the table and we were chatting.
I asked, " How are your cooking skills?"
Emily pulled a face and said, " I'd like to learn."
So we cooked biscuits and gravy. We talked about ratios of flour to bakind powder, why you cut the butter into the biscuit flour, how to roll dough with a light touch. Why I never make gravy with just our hot sausage. IT'S HOT! And how to add flour and milk to make gravy that doesn't clump and lump.
Second impression: Smart, inquisitive, observant. So far so good.
After breakfast the guys went outside and we cleared up the kitchen. Emily fed the baby. I told her we were going to castrate pigs.
She offered to help. A few minutes later I noticed she was thumbing through one of Anders' farming books. She was definitely looking for something.
"What are you looking for?"
"How to castrate pigs," she said.
I pulled Brian's favorite pig book off the shelf and flipped it open to the illustrated instructions. She dived right in to study the pictures and instructions.
When we headed out to the hog lot, Emily was the designated "Surgeon's Assistant". She held the syringe and the antiseptic. She makes a great assistant.
After we finished making the 9 boar piglets into barrows. We headed back toward the house. Brian quipped, "Anders you better not mess up."
Emily never missed a beat. "That's right. I have the tools and I've read the directions!"
We all laughed - even Anders.
Impression #3: Good sense of humor, pretty unflappable, willing to tackle even the farm work that isn't fun.
As we were going into the house Emily asked me "Do think your mom would mind watching Joel just a little longer? I want to help Anders feed and water all his animals."
"Go ask her," I said. "I'm sure she won't mind."
I laughed as Emily scampered into the house and slid down the hall in her socks with a big smile on her face.
Impression #5: She is definitely a keeper. :)